
Posts Tagged ‘Jessica Alba’



This was my first time I saw Jessica Alba as a negative hero. The “AWAKEmovie is a psychological thriller (but it starts pretty nice and easy, like a simple love story) about a common occurrence called “anesthetic awareness” a horrifying phenomenon wherein a patient’s failed anesthesia leaves him fully conscious but physically paralyzed during the surgery.

A really horrifying phenomenon, can you imagine hearing what doctors are talking about while cutting your flesh and you even feel it (for a moment during the movie, I felt really sick and frightened).

The main character Clay Beresford (Hayden Christensen) is a Capital-investment firm chief, a rich guy who fall in love with his mother’s personal assistant, Sam (Jessica Alba). The main point is that he has problems with health and he needs heart transplantation. The two are so in love with each other that even the fact that his mother did not welcome their relationship did not stop them from a secret marriage in a church at midnight.

The following heart surgery reveals a terrible secret to Clay when after the anesthesia he remains in conscious and realizes that his doctor and at the same time his friend is intended to kill him.

But why??? Here is the beginning of the most interesting part of the film!!! I advice you to see it!!!

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