
Posts Tagged ‘Te la do Io Firenze’

I was born in the capital of Moldova, a small country and a small capital. I lived for a year in Pelhrimov – a city of only ~ 17.000 people. Now I live in the most beautiful city in the world – FLORENCE – a birthplace of Renaissance, trade, fashion and cultural centre of Italy.

There are hundred thousand of reasons why I l<3ve Florence.

I coudn’t live in a big city, I felt lost in Prague, Rome, Moscow, Istanbul though this cities are magic places I will always remember. I l<3ve Florence because one can never get boring in this magnificent place, always lots of cultural events, art exhibitions and opportunities to see a lot of hidden historical places. I get my inspiration from Te la do Io Firenze e Io Amo Firenze e Comune di Firenze for current events and expos. I l<3ve Florence because you never stop admiring the spirit of the city, its magnificent look and will never stop discovering its secrets.

P.S. … and one of the most important reasons is lOve, Florence gave me my lOve, my soulmate.

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